PTS Battle Comp 1.0 Flash Hider - CCW
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Battlecomps are among the best rifle muzzle devicesavailable in today's market and certainly one of the most well-known and popularmuzzle devices. Whereas muzzle brake compensators control rifle recoilextremely well, it is achieved at the expense of reduced flash reduction andvery highly concussive shockwave around the muzzle device versus normal flashhiders. Although you can accomplish rapid but accurate multiple shots onto yourtarget with a muzzle brake, the enhanced flash signature and concussion canmake a muzzle brake detrimental for lowlight/night combat shooting as well asclose proximity shooting with teammates and in confined spaces. The Battlecomp?blends the functions of both muzzle brakes and flash hiders by providing thebest balance of recoil reduction with only a slight compromise in flashreduction and concussion to create the best battle ready rifle compensator onthe market.
PTS BattleComp muzzle devices are the highest quality andmost accurate Battlecomp? replicas on the market. They are made from heattreated steel alloy bar stock with a scratch and blemish resistant black